Action is the foundational key to all success.
Whether you are interested in our CrossFit Program, or our Krav Maga Program, you can expect to receive an incredible workout that leaves you smiling as your body is dripping sweat angels onto the floor below. Workouts are safe and scalable no matter what your age or ability, and coaches work hard to make sure your experience is tailored to you personally, so you are able to get the most out of every minute. Whether you are looking to add muscle, shape and tone, or loose body fat, both Krav Maga and CrossFit will get it done! For athletes looking to add weight to their frame, we recommend an 70/30 split of CrossFit and Krav Maga. For athletes looking to trim and tone, we suggest an 70/30 split of Krav Maga and CrossFit. Regardless of the goal, we recommend 4-6 classes per week while also working with a coach to educate yourself on fatigue, recovery and proper nutrition.
Check out the links below to learn more about our individual programs or click the link to get your 21-Day Jump Start!
Let’s face it, life is complicated. We have school, jobs and children. Football games, overtime and family events. Life rarely allows for the commitment level needed to learn a traditional martial art to a level that allows for many reality based self-defense applications.
Krav Maga classes aren’t just for athletic men in their 20s looking to learn how to protect their girlfriends. Krav Maga classes for women focus on rape prevention tactics, the signs of a dangerous situation or how to defend yourself when you are forced to in the worst case scenarios.
Still referred to as “disabled” by many, these athletes include those bound to wheelchair, those with congenital amputations, permanent injury to the nervous system or skeletal structure and genetic defects such as spina bifida.
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